Radios Françaises sur l’Internet

Voici une liste des principales stations de radio françaises.

Radios publiques
Arte Radio
ARTE Radio est une radio à la demande sur l’internet. Il y a des centaines de reportages et de créations sonores que vous pouvez écouter quand vous le désirez.

RFI (Radio France Internationale)
Radio France Internationale (RFI), une radio du service public, reflète la société française et francophone dans toute sa diversité à travers le monde.

Radio France
Radio France est une organisation publique qui regroupe en son sein plusieurs stations de radio (voir ci-dessous).

Radio France Stations

Radios Commerciales

Radios Généralistes

Radio Musicales

Radios Communautaires

French things to do in November!

• French meetup: every Tuesday in the Queen’s Arms, French/English exchange. Every second Wednesday, pub meet-up.

• Cinema:


Le Testament d’Orphée (The Testament of Orpheus)

Showing Tue 02 Nov only

The Great Love (Le grand amour)

Showing Thu 11 Nov only


Showing Fri 12 Nov only

Little Nicolas (Le petit Nicolas)

Showing to Sun 14 Nov

Mademoiselle Chambon

Showing Mon 15 Nov only

Dumas (L’autre Dumas)

Showing to Tue 16 Nov

An Ordinary Execution (Une exécution ordinaire)

Showing Wed 17 Nov only


Showing to Wed 17 Nov

Bus Palladium

Showing Sat 20 Nov only

Outside the Law (Hors-la-loi)

Showing Sun 21 Nov only

Change of Plans (Le code a changé)

Showing Mon 22 Nov only


Showing to Mon 22 Nov

Regrets (Les regrets)

Showing to Tue 23 Nov

Making Plans for Lena (Non ma fille, tu n’iras pas danser)

Showing Wed 24 Nov only

Imogène McCarthery

Showing Fri 26 Nov only

Loin (Far)

Showing Sat 27 Nov only


Showing Sun 28 Nov only

Typing French Accents on a Mac

é Option key + e followed by e
à Option key + ` followed by a
è Option key + ` followed by e
ù Option key + ` followed by u
ç Option key + c
â Option key + i followed by a
ê Option key + i followed by e
î Option key + i followed by i
ô Option key + i followed by o
û Option key + i followed by u
ë Option key + u followed by e
ï Option key + u followed by i
ü Option key + u followed by u
Å“ Option key + q
« Option key + \
» Option key + shift key + \
€ Option key + 2

Typing French accents in Windows documents

If you’ve got a UK-style keyboard (ie QWERTY, as opposed to French AZERTY keyboard), you will be familiar with the difficulties to include accents or other special characters in your French text.

Here is a quick and easy (once you get used to it!) solution:

Just hold down the ALT button and type the following codes:

a with grave accent à ALT + 133 À ALT + 0192
a with circumflex â ALT + 131 Â ALT + 0194
a with tréma ä ALT + 132 Ä ALT + 142
a e ligature æ ALT + 145 Æ ALT + 146
c with cedilla ç ALT + 135 Ç ALT + 128
e with acute accent é ALT + 130 É ALT + 144
e with grave accent è ALT + 138 È ALT + 0200
e with circumflex ê ALT + 136 Ê ALT + 0202
e with tréma ë ALT + 137 Ë ALT + 0203
i with circumflex î ALT + 140 Î ALT + 0206
i with tréma ï ALT + 139 Ï ALT + 0207
o with circumflex ô ALT + 147 Ô ALT + 0212
o e ligature Å“ ALT + 0156 Å’ ALT + 0140
u with grave accent ù ALT + 151 Ù ALT + 0217
u with circumflex û ALT + 150 Û ALT + 0219
u with tréma ü ALT + 129 Ü ALT + 154
French quotation marks « ALT + 174 » ALT + 175
Euro symbol € ALT + 0128