Elementary French Video : week 8

Videos for Week 8: Elementary French — the conditional Read More…
Videos for Week 8: Elementary French — the conditional Read More…
We started as usual by studying last week’s vocabulary in French. We then practised the future (see below) and had a look at the conditional (“would”). We will practise it more next week! Read More…
Initially, we started on Monday by going over last week’s vocabulary in French and then we talked about cinema and practised the past tenses (passé composé and imparfait), using the game and the questions you had prepared. Finally we had a look at the future tense’s formation – we will practise it next week!
1) Explain (in French!!) the vocabulary below.
2) 4 new year resolutions (using the future tense)
une bricole
une bande dessinée
le tatouage
disparaître : elle a disparu
goûter /// essayer
un personnage /// un caractère
For our fifth lesson, we reviewed last week’s vocabulary in French. Then we corrected the grammar exercise about the past tense and you told us about various anecdotes that happened to you.
1) Explain (in French!!) the vocabulary below.
2) 5 sentences to sum up a good film you have seen recently
3) 2 questions in the past tense (passé composé or imparfait) for the other students
4) Use the game to practise the passé composé and the imparfait (see attached PDF)
un camion
une camionnette
tomber malade
la brocante
les antiquités
faire le ménage
une pièce:
une pièce de monnaie
une pièce de théâtre
un appartement de trois pièces
une partie:
une partie de la population
je fais partie d’un groupe
une part:
une part de gâteau
We started our fourth lesson with a review from last week’s vocabulary in French, before correcting the grammar exercises about the imperfect. Then we talked about television: things we like and dislike (la téléréalité !) on TV.
1) Explain (in French!!) the vocabulary below.
2) Do the exercise (putting the text in the past tense): try and do it all, but if you find it tricky or don’t have much time, go at least up to : “freine brusquement”
3) Tell us something that has happened to you (something funny, odd, unusual) in the past week.
un sous-titre
la poitrine
une série d’espionnage
un truc
un concours /// une compétition
une livraison
Le passé composé :
1.Un fait spécifique dans le passé, avec une date précise
2.Une succession d’actions
3.Une action brutale
L’imparfait :
1.Une action qui était en train de se passer (en anglais ‘was happening’)
2.Une habitude dans le passé (en anglais ‘used to’)
3.Une description dans le passé
We started our second lesson with a review of the vocabulary from the previous week – en français ! Then, we had a quick check at “ce qui représente la France pour vous” and explained anything you were not sure about, before discussing the three things that in your opinion represented France the best. Then, we used the questions you had prepared to talk a bit more… and some of mine too! And we quickly revised the forms of the “passé composé” (past tense) – see attached document. Read More…
For our first lesson, we started by introducing one another, which was a good opportunity to revise how to ask questions and check out a few odds and ends. We then talked about likes and dislikes (food) which allowed us to revise the conjugations of the regular verbs ending in -er.
Finally, I just asked some random questions…
1) Prepare 1 (interesting!) question for each of the other students (see everyone’s names above).
2) Check out the “Qu’est-ce qui représente la France pour vous?” – tick anything you know and no need to check things you don’t know: we will use it as a conversation starter next week!
3) Check the conjugations of the various verbs I am attaching.
4) Explain (in French!!) the vocabulary below
L’industrie pharmaceutique
le cinéma indépendant
la natation
le cyclisme
les abats
French classes – Elementary Mondays 6-7.30pm
Mondays, 6-7.30am – £100 for 10 weeks (15 hours)
You have studied French at basic level and you are ready to start talking! This is the course for you: thanks to carefully designed exercises, your communicating skills will improve.
You can expect to learn more about the past and future tenses, whilst consolidating what you have already acquired.
We will be following a specific training programme, but this does not mean this will be definite and fixed: for me, it is important to follow the group’s needs, and adapt the course to your needs, rather than to what I have planned originally!
By the end of the course, you will have increased confidence with speaking and will be able to cope well with basic conversation, and you will be able to handle short newspaper articles etc…
Contact Lise today to check if this is the right class for you: Free 30 minutes assessment of your present level!
2 SPACES LEFT {14/10/2010}
- Classes start on the 11 of October 2010 and will last for 10 weeks, until the middle of December.
- The fees include documents used in class, as well as a selection of tea/coffee/herbal teas.
- Minimum number of students: 4
- Maximum number of students: 8