Elementary French class : Summary 7
We started as usual by studying last week’s vocabulary in French. We then practised the future (see below) and had a look at the conditional (“would”). We will practise it more next week!
1) Read the sentences below and make sure you know what they mean!
2) 2 “psychological” questions at the “vous” form (like: What would you do if you won the lottery? /// Qu’est-ce que vous feriez si vous gagniez à la loterie?). Answer them and then put them at the “tu” form.
3) Choose 1 situation (see below) and offer a solution/suggestion 🙂
• Craig conduira sa voiture moins souvent. Il remboursera sa carte de crédit et il recyclera plus fréquemment.
• Robin parlera le français. Il verra sa belle-famille qui habite en Australie. Il apprendra à jouer du piano.
• Philip ira en France et apprendra le français dans une école. Il voyagera souvent et ira aux Etats-Unis.